Saturday, April 15, 2017

Cogito Ergo Sum

I am myself. I exist. I think. I am
fully conscious of all that occurs
around me. I communicate and 
I think. I have a brain to facilitate
all of this. I have a body to hold
that brain located in my head
connected to my neck and my
spinal cord that holds my body
erect with a nervous system that
contacts the synapses in my brain
informing my limbs to have 
movement. I have a soul, or do I
merely feel my soul resides within
myself? While I have thoughts I
have no intelligence that informs
me how it can be that I exist and
I think. I just am. Which explains
nothing whatever. This mysterious
existence of myself baffles. How is
it that I can conjure up memories
deeply stored yet accessible though
they reflect the years beyond the
present in reverse. How can it be
that I recall words to poems and
the melody of songs heard so 
long ago? What instructs my brain
to possess these thoughts? How
does my soul know that the body
that holds it belongs to it? The
enlightenment of knowing is
clearly beyond the capacity of
my brain, my thoughts, my soul.
Why is this so that the primeval
elemental source of being shrinks
from the possibility of revelation?
Questions abound, answers elude.

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