Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Dog Chorus

The song is a famous golden
oldie, one that delighted teens
when it first came to popularity
when old timers were young squirts
and among whom the lighthearted
song still is a favourite. On some
occasions when these elderly
songs are played for nostalgia
value, we hear it over the air
waves and hum along to it as
some old singing star belts out
their version of How Much Is that
Doggie In the Window? Invariably
a chorus from the backseats is
certain to respond as when dogs
listening by default to whatever
others in the household are tuned
in to seem to know this is a song
referencing them so when the
dog-language of barks plays out
over the air waves, it is not without
impetuous appreciative barks
from our little friends lazing
on sofas while pleased to exercise
their options in music appreciation.


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