Monday, May 16, 2016

Landscape Art

The origin of everything, she is 
peerless in her design, her stunning
creativity an inspiration to those
she gifted with intelligence who look
upon her creations with awe and envy;
those among them capable of artistic
endeavour aspiring to themselves
create imaginative iterations of her
splendour. Oblivious to the esteem
in which she is held, Nature gives
no favours and seeks none from her
creatures. Yet their efforts to emulate
her illuminating blueprints of existence
are endless. From time immemorial
humankind has paid homage to their
creator, attempting to leave their own
marks of worship for her designs on
the dank, dark walls of caves, and
endless renditions grandly framed in
gold leaf hanging on the walls of
the world's most esteemed national
galleries. It takes a master craftsman
to model a single snowflake in its infinite
crystalline forms of ephemera. And it
takes a lightning-bold genius of
abstraction to stretch canvas on a frame
briskly gesso it in preparation, then
paint an effortless white landscape of
all-consuming blankness, an imperfect
simulacrum of a fierce winter snowstorm
creating the absolute of a white-out. 

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