Sunday, May 1, 2016

Our Lifetime Union

Although as little more than children
we believed in our innocence that
we were blazing a trail to the moon
the stars, and the boundless universe
what we found in one another
represented a timeless miracle of
nature's creation, when I gave you
the key to my soul and you responded
by presenting me with yours, and
it is not true to say we never looked
back for we do on occasion, wondering
at the children that we were so long
ago in a great leap of time becoming
what we are now, two lovers who
long since dedicated themselves to
one another. In the business of life
our collaboration transformed the
tenuous links people share into a
divinely inspired faith in our love for
one another. Together we produced
facsimiles of ourselves who later
became themselves, in a triumph of
their own, bearing within themselves
the treasures that our melded selves
endowed them with. Alone, together
we nourish and embrace our lives
redolent with memory and the loving
care we lavish yet within this union.

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