Monday, May 2, 2016

Pensive Cerebration

I recall the collective groan that
exploded from the mouths of his
children. Teens are like that of course
dismissive of certain elements of 
their parents' patterning and pattering.
In this instance it was a post dinnertime
soliloquy on the unfairness of time
and the pattern of life. That event
occurred a half-lifetime ago when we
were celebrating their father's 40th
birthday and he was in mourning over
that milestone, speaking in rueful
tone that it seemed such a short while
ago that we, their parents were as 
young and carefree as they. This
self-indulgent regret spoken to
oblivious youth failed to impress
and nor were they prepared to
oblige by feelings of companionable
regret at their father's mildly depressed
state. Impassively brushing cake crumbs
away they rose as one, his three teens
and left their parents to commiserate
with one another. Another milestone
looms. This time his 80th and though I
will reach it before he does, I am left to
wonder the celebration we will share.

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