Saturday, May 7, 2016

Life Reborn!

Have you noticed lately, the days
are longer, brighter, warmer and oh
so spontaneously livable in contrast to
those we have so recently been rescued
from. The birds have noticed, they have
been migrating non-stop, geese in arrowed
formation calling to us their glee on
return, and other migrants from tiny
songbirds to fearsome birds of prey
lingering long at bird feeders, settling
down on furrowed, seeded fields
floating on the breezes bringing them
to our notice, calling to one another
spreading themselves on lakeside beaches
assembling and re-assembling, taking
stock, moving on. Butterflies too have
been moving in, and bumblebees seeking
pollen, and bugs of all description just
beetling on, swifting before our eyes.
Dandelions suddenly spring to golden
tufted presence, glowing back the colour
of the sun, competing with trilliums for
attention in the woodlands, sharing space
with troutlilies and foamflower. Oh say
can you see ... this is life reborn!

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