Sunday, May 29, 2016

If No Siren Wails

In the dense forest of streets
and houses of an urban area, if
an ambulance glides swiftly and
silently down a quiet street in the
dead of night between Friday and
Saturday, if no one is awake to
observe its passage and eventual
destination, did it really happen?
Oh certainly the elderly couple at
the address that the ambulance's
headlights picked out  unerringly
were very much aware of its
presence and anxious to welcome
its arrival, silently and with relief.
Stationary before leaving with its
cargo, the skilled paramedics
take careful note of all vital signs
while connecting the patient to
the electronic devices the
vehicle is equipped with in its
life-saving capacity, then rolls
off through the darkly silent streets
encountering little traffic, so no
need for ear-splitting sirens, only
the desire to reach the nearest
hospital emergency soon as possible.

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