Tuesday, May 3, 2016


So what is it then that we fear like 
children screaming in the dark of 
lurking monsters, when we find
ourselves immobilized and terrified
deep in the dungeon of a nightmare?
Is it the result of a collective inheritance
that has its genesis in our common
primordial memory that from time to
time surfaces prepared to drown our
cerebral foundation in a writhing pit
of serpents? How to explain our night-
wandering soul in a passage to some
places unknown by our minds leaving
us trembling and aghast? When beasts
slaver and pounce and we fear impending
death, recoiling from the danger and from
the message, relieved to finally awaken.
There was no wakening for those who
suffered the nightmare of human beasts
intent on extinguishing the lives of
Europe's Jews, not in a miasma of 
night horrors, but in an agonizing and
extended solution to cleanse Europe of
a human pestilence reduced to that
status by the overwhelming disinterest
that consumed minds of neighbours 
swiftly accustomed to witnessing familiar
families packed onto cattle cars pleading
for help only to see their neighbours
turn nonchalantly away since it was no
business of theirs, this ugly genocide.
In a fit of remorse the world vowed
that never again would such a horror
be mounted, and yet, and yet. In Europe
the moment is reborn and those who
espouse a re-enactment of the Holocaust
express so freely, carrying their signs
and shouting their slogans once again
of wholesale extermination. Time has
blurred the pity and compassion of
man's inhumanity to man, the victim
become the oppressor: death to Jews!

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