Saturday, July 1, 2023

Time and the Tides

Forest fires increasingly affecting rivers and streams – for better and  worse — Institute of the Environment and Sustainability at UCLA

Little wonder how early civilizations attributed 

the inexplicable nature of the world around them to

forces unseen where they struggled to understand

why it was that wind tore their rude dwellings to

tatters, and volcanic eruptions vomited rivers 

of molten rock, why the restless seas extended 

their domain to land when the mantle of the Earth 

suddenly shifted and great open graves swallowed

them. When inundating rains arrived they heard 

the voice of a monstrously infuriated god in the 

great rumbling above and in paroxysms of fear

their raw and trembling intuition informed them

the gods must be propitiated else wildfires would 

sear them to a deathly cinder along with the wild 

game they hunted for survival. In lean years when 

the hunt failed, the bounty of the land withdrawn

the ceremonial sacrifice of their own choice a 

price to pay for appeasing majesty above in an 

appeal for amnesty from dire, deadly privation.

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