Wednesday, July 5, 2023

The Youthful Executioners

In Jenin and Nablus, resistance and despair go hand in hand

They are the most willing of recruits in any

conflict for youth revel in action and violence

believing themselves invulnerable to consequences

such that striking fear into others, pillaging and

destruction satisfies a deep-seated loathing for

authority and discipline other than that imposed

in a field of combat. To the indoctrinated and

habituated to solving problems with physical

violence there is no need to justify psychopathy

nor is there a thought of restraint from harming

the innocent regarded as disposable shields when

the attacked respond in like kind endangering

non-combatants whose deaths become another

deadly arrow in the quiver of blame cast on others.

Visualizing themselves as heroes they pose fully

armed with high-powered submachines across

their muscled chests, champions of death, able

and aching to deliver vengeance for imagined acts

of historical disadvantage they have been tasked

to remedy. They prowl among their tribe's quiet

civilians, ingratiate themselves as heroes, amass

weapons stores and assault centres within schools

hospitals and mosques, attacking the enemy then

fading into sheltered safety leaving the mass of

civil old and young to face the consequences they

evade in a never-ending cycle of psychotic chaos.



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