Thursday, July 6, 2023

The Vestigial Brain

What a priceless resource nature has endowed

us with, an organ of high intelligence capable

of reasoning, of divining reality from fantasy

an instrument of rationality, unless neglected

and housed in a body disinterested in the higher

function of human capability preferring to use

the brain creatively, inventing their own reality

vastly prioritizing and preferring an unexamined

belief, enshrining it as a proud cultural artefact

for the ages and honouring it from generation to

generation, fuelling suspicion, grievance and hate.

In their best of all possible worlds that simmering

hatred accounts for all the wrongs they encounter in

life, their personal tragedies, all ascribed to the malign

presence of a clan and a religion not their own which

conspires toward their downfall, and they thirst for

revenge to assuage their permanent state of victimhood

snarling with the rage of unfulfilled destiny. Not their 

fault that providence ignores their plight and so the 

solution is to keep the embers of hate aflame in

psychotic encounters of deadly violence, butchering

one after another of the transgressors in an endless

cycle of fanatical detachment from reality; an idle brain.

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