Friday, July 28, 2023

The Self-Flagellation of White Society

Black Lives Matter protesters (main longform)

The worm has turned ... to become a

venomous serpent, its tongue spiked with

spite as it circles its victims with derision

and blame for historical human failings

that reach back just far enough to loath

the white imperialist slavers who took both

inspiration and assistance from the worm's

coevals skilled in tribal warfare and slavery.

The misery of victimhood and the infamy

of slavers have bequeathed gifts upon the

inheritors of another rite of human history

where now the victims glory in their Black

suffering and the inheritors of their white

persecutors are doomed to penance while

society at large shifts a burden of guilt on

one and the pleasure of exacting vengeance

on the other, turning the lance of steely

condemnation to cauterize the wound and

inflict it now upon the censure-absorbing

descendants familiarly known as supremacists.

There is no escape from the accusations in

this era of equality, inclusion and diversity.

You are either a liberated victim or an odious

unreconstructed white supremacist. There are

no agencies of society, academia, commerce or

government that have not committed to erasing

white privilege. The raging fever of victim

and wronged in its reversal is remorseless.




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