Wednesday, January 11, 2023

What's A Man To Do?

They're sly creatures,  cleverly manipulative

complaining, tempestuous and demanding.

They flaunt their voluptuous presence

baring skin and luring a man to gawk at

what he cannot possess. This is the way the

world revolves, from Eden's Eve to Pandora's

Box; give fair warning and they're prodded

to dare the devil. Samson was fine without

Delilah, and Caesar without Cleopatra.

They just cannot be trusted not to bring

misery to the world of man. And in a man's

world women should know their place

it's that simple. Keeping them barefoot

and pregnant in the kitchen, tending the

young and the elderly, praying in church

and obeying her husband's whims and

every demand leaves no time spared for

wickedness. It's why girls are married young

and through the course of life also die 

young. Absent virtue femicide solves all.

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