Saturday, January 21, 2023

Upholding Human Rights

Imagine that: The world's ivory towers once trusted 

as noble citadels of unbiased integrity, pathways to 

knowledge and purveyors of wisdom based on the 

annals of world discovery now uncannily resemble 

that other revered symbol of trusted universal integrity

standards, a bastion of peace and fellowship among 

nations enjoining laggards in civility and bearers of 

arms to settle amicably the animus of violent disregard 

for one anothers' sovereign sanctity. The gradual creep 

of averted eyes and withheld condemnation of the 

world's abusers of human rights transformed into a 

forum that elevates their presence on regional groups

and official bodies to sit in judgement of lapsed nations 

slipping into irenic mood, abusing their citizens' rights

threatening neighbouring states -- entitled and authorized 

to vent their spleen on a single nation with a fraction 

of a fraction of the world population but oh so very 

unpopular as a thriving bastion of civilized democracy 

a scientific, humanistic, technological marvel of advances

in every metric of success; upholding human rights with

but one glaring fault condemned by all: Jewishness.



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