Thursday, January 19, 2023

Kenneth's Wrath

Kenneth Roth speaks during an interview with AFP in New York City in August 2022.

See how the splenetic righteous rear their heads

like affronted cobras prepared to strike the dread

imprecations of 'racist', 'homophobe', 'right wing'

'transphobic', 'human-rights deniers'  - sending 

politicians, industry elites, university heads 

international sport clubs, school boards, municipal

authorities into a dizzying spin of avoidance

finally yielding to mollification and adaptation 

of the campaign against 'white privilege' promoting 

'minority rights' and demoting merit as a reliable 

qualification for public and private enlistment in 

improving the public weal. The anointed king of 

righteous privilege resigning his post as principal 

arbitrator of what qualifies as abuse of human rights 

feels entitled to an academic post that will profit 

his legacy as a stern purveyor of labels denigrating 

all who dare question his integrity and philosophy. 

A noted professor emeritus of psychology prescribes

a litany of life assets while deigning not to succumb

to the hysterics of reassigning language earning

himself a deluge of labels as a transphobe, as a

misogynist, an outrageously antagonistic critic of

Woke Theology. Quiver, quake and cower all ye

who dare defy the polarizing messages of human

rights drowning in the politics of entitlement, the

designation of rectitude an offense to humanity.



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