Saturday, January 14, 2023

The Enemy Is Us

Deaths per capita thumbnail

That few choose to die before their time

is a given. Hard-wired within the human psyche 

nature designed the will  to survive as an imperative

an autonomous reaction to perceived existential threat.

Nature also designed by intent or default those 

very threats to which her aware offspring react. 

That universal puzzle over precedence, the chicken 

or the egg is now in full play in the wake of 

unprecedented pandemic deaths. Science in 

competition with nature devised a shield to 

defray the deadly impact of the globe's current 

threat and its inoculating properties; isolation 

coupled with masking has prevented even

greater incomprehensible numbers of early

demise. Detractors there are ample who give

cause to death and disease to the very vaccines

science promotes to evade infection and 

escape death. So which is the culprit, we ask;

the verifiability of science's formula or the

circulating narratives of biased observation?



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