Saturday, January 28, 2023

Death In Jerusalem ... And In Jenin ...

Celebrations in Ramallah after the Jerusalem terror attack that killed 7 Israelis

What an inspiring era we live in when news of wild

celebration is transmitted in the wink of an eye.

Photographs and videos of the combustible joy of

a society that spontaneously breaks into celebratory

mode, setting off fireworks, dancing in the streets

handing out sweet delicacies to savour the pride and

joy all feel in their proud traditions of honour and the

glee universally shared on commemorating the

misfortune of others. The very others that the society

is given to despising as responsible for a victimhood

that is cherished for in that condition the world

takes pity eager to become donors to a lifestyle of

aggrievement that has no space for solutions of the

order of independence as a newborn nation in stark

preference of remaining permanent refugees while

grooming their offspring to hate the others with the

temerity to claim their ancestral geography the while

creating refugees of the colonizers who, unforgiving

launch never-ending missions of lethal atrocities. One

of which, slaughtering Jews at prayer in a synagogue in

the ancient City of David gives cause for jubilation.



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