Thursday, January 5, 2023

The Dilemma


What can the world do faced with the

presumption of a nation that it deserves

a place of respect and honour among others

of its type as a civilizational norm to be

recognized among its peers when clearly

it is quite unalike other nations in its mission

to provide security for the world's ongoing

sole vanishing species whom hostile

forces have never forgiven for being Jews.

The pride taken by members of that tribe

so  unsettling in their presence to the 

collective mind of a world intent on 

forever setting them apart as alien to the

culture and normatives of humanity

when in the historical lexicon of human

annals it is this very tribe that had the

audacity to introduce humanity to its

obligations to one another in teaching

to do unto others as you would have

them do unto you, a prescription of

tender universality as a portal to peace.

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