Monday, January 30, 2023

Nature's Enduring Formula

Such passion has been hard-wired into the

human psyche unmatched by any other drive

the overarching will to survive as a species

driving humanity to perpetuate themselves

dedicating the future to their DNA carried by

the offspring through genetic transference as

nature intended. What biology did not intend

was the mutating corruption of that primitive

will to survive linked to the kind of deliberate

nurture of the young instilling in them another

passion striving to be as powerful as the will to

live when parents, a culture and a society subvert

nature's exquisite blueprint to substitute the most

base of human emotions for that of survival by

inculcating in the impressionable young the glory

to be had by returning existence to the force that

bred it in a sacrificial martyrdom whose purpose

is to place the instruments of death in the hands

of children accepting of the perversion of life to

a cult that celebrates death as a goal both for

their enemies and as a joyful sacrifice of their

compliant offspring accepting the concept of 

the meaning of life sublimated in death. 

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