Thursday, January 12, 2023

D'Ye Ken His Rancid Wrath?

 The Western Wall at sunset

Reroute a hallowed human rights

institution and restructure it to a

time-proven pathway to infamy in

service to a mind raging with hate for

one nation, one people, one country

whose reputation wobbles on the age-old

pathology of antisemitism and you

have a parody of universal human rights.

Ah, but one that resonates with the 

specious virtue of revealing the truth of 

a nation whose repute its legion of

sanctimonious enemies hold to a

scripted architecture of committing

violence to the aspirations of mock

indigenous groups hungry to grasp the

storied ancestral heritage of Solomon's

Temple and the fabled City of David. The

story, askew, the theft manipulated to the

satisfaction of the global community

sanctified by the United Nations and

ultimately the cudgel of an unmerciful

hatred slamming its slanderous smears

elevating the status of its star performer

to public acclaim. A coveted Harvard

sinecure denied, the hero of slime now

mounts his ire against the university.

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