Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Sacred Rituals


From the primeval to the present

Nature's clockwork blueprint of 

death and renewal imperturbably

and endlessly marks fleeting time.

Autumnal harvest flourishes to feed

the world and enrich Earth's soil in

the interminable dance of rebirth and

growth. In the forest the rich earthy

fragrance of the moist mass of an

eternity's bounty of shed foliage with

its acrid reminder of a child's memory

stirring in an adult's mind takes note of

crickets chirping, geese migrating and

crows coasting above the forest canopy

cawing their communal cues to oncoming

winter. The soft warm shades of burnt

umber, burnished gold, muted orange and

vermilion fading to pink ornament the

forest canopy, fatigued with its production

cycle, preparing for its long, deep sleep.



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