Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Ageing World

Image may contain Iris Apfel Human Person Sunglasses Accessories Accessory Festival Crowd Performer and Skin

We hear it endlessly; the groans and tremors

of growing old, the peevish declaration

that it's not easy, getting old, coping with 

all those mysterious aches and pains.

When a woman of a 'certain age' dares

dress with an air of flamboyance, noses 

turn up condemning the inappropriateness 

of age masquerading as youth even though 

everyone over 40 dyes their hair and keeps 

astride of latest fashions. Take, however

a centenarian familiar with flair and fashion 

whose age is a marvel itself in celebrity status 

shielding her gauche choices of apparel from 

criticism, with fashion houses and cosmetics 

firms quick to adopt her style as a symbol of 

feminism flouting age-and-fashion conventions  

overlooking gaudy in favour of verve in the

potential of a sales pitch to elderly women 

whose subconscious confuses longevity and 

admiration as an offshoot of fame and fashion.


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