Sunday, October 16, 2022

The Transitioning Forest


A cold tempestuous wind blew through

the forest that day in random bursts of

rage that bellowed through the forest interior 

in the midst of an autumnal turnover of foliage

vibrant colour intensified by the previous days

 of persistent heavy rain. Gleaming golds and 

vermilion, intense burnished copper and 

blushing pink amidst the bright orange of 

fallen pine needles occupying the forest floor. 

Woodpeckers rattle the bark of larvae-infested 

trees sending clanging reverberations through 

the rainsodden atmosphere. Turbulence

tossed rivulets of runoff swell the forest's

raceway, an odour of swamp rising on the 

turgid air while random bursts of frenzied

wind sweep colourful arrays of fall leaves

from unprotesting trees intent on winter's

entry when the ephemeral season heralding

summer's end and winter's reign departs.


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