Sunday, October 9, 2022

Surmounting Genocidal Jewhate


Throughout the annals of human history

empires have arisen to exercise

their dominance over others and they have

departed as others arose to challenge

their primacy from east to west. Millennia

ago a common denominator of power

was the focus of a tribe priding itself on

its communion with a High Spirit that

enjoined them to regard the sanctity of

life as a gift from On High whose focus

enraged the powerful as a slight to their

undisputed power, wreaking vengeance on

the arrogance that spurned their greatness in

their passion for the unnamed and unseen

power. An insult so great their  punishment

was greater; the wrath of the spurned led to

siege, destruction, mass slaughter and exile.

Gone now, those empires. Remaining despite

pogroms, death cult missions and genocide that

stubborn tribe, alive, well-armed and prepared

in the State of Israel. A presence civilized and just.

A reality enraging  the empires of jewhate.   

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