Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Eyes On The Target

The great open cesspool winding and

twisting its way through the globe

redolent of the sewage of untreated Jew 

hatred ebbs and flows as it surfaces with

crisp regularity of a metronome pulsing

and palpating the universal mind with

its raw involuntarily inbred reaction to the

very presence of the singular people

whose enigmatic presence is taken as

a threat to all others, a sacrilegious curse 

to be extirpated by any final means

inconceivable toward any others of God's

creations. Defying reason itself the hate

that will not evaporate in the pure light 

of rational thought -- its enemies circle

a history-haunted people scheming ways

and means to return to the basics of mass

extermination as a means to rid the world 

of their presence leading to a puzzle that 

void of that ancient stiff-necked tribe 

where then will the world turn its ample

spite forward in the following installment?

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