Monday, January 10, 2022

Predilections, Pride and Prejudice

The BBC labelled Alan Dershowitz a 'lawyer' without saying he represented Jeffrey Epstein and is also accused by Virginia Giuffre

Feet of clay belong on a Golem that mythical 

monster tramping through halls of infamy to strike

terror in the black hearts of monstrous haters

threatening annihilation of the eternal tribe 

whose fortune it has been since forever to 

arouse vicious enmity in others. To witness 

a champion of human rights who has made 

his name synonymous with justice and liberty 

trudging through those very halls of infamy 

in his personal penchant for furtive pedophilia

a startling revelation rank with unspeakable 

sewage for which there is no reputational 

rescue, an entire life's work destroyed, the 

deposed nobility of character revealing a 

sordid imposter whose messages now reek.

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