Saturday, January 22, 2022

Perishable Fact and Hope-Inspiring Fantasy

Transformed to a saccharine tale of triumph 

over evil as a moral lesson to impressionable 

children playing on their fascination with nature

and the gentle creatures whose haven a forest 

is meant to be, who can forget as a child 

viewing Disney's 'Bambi'? whose hidden purpose 

is an allegory for Jews in the plight of the 

eternal wanderer exiled from their native Judea

seeking haven in the diaspora jungle that 

views them as oriental interlopers and a

despised race worshiping a spirit whom 

their detractors venerate. That their sacred 

saviour was a Jew is of no account to save them 

from the degrading indignities that become 

the great universal hunt of Jew-haters everywhere 

ultimately exemplified in a mad burst of final

extermination, yet all is not lost for in the fantasy

home of Disneyland all is well, Bambi escapes 

the human predators' hunt, evades persecution

in the 1942 film, when European Jews were ushered

into the maw of gas chambers, their corporeal 

remains shovelled into ovens, the organized hunt

and gathering up of creatures destined for death

in full swing ... but all was well in Disneyland.



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