Monday, January 31, 2022

Canajun, Eh?

The legendarily phlegmatic

boring and polite Canadian

from whom eh! can mean so

many things decided to break

out of the mould that confined

him to a drudge personality

to express a counter-cultural

opinion shared in part by a legion

of others who have somehow

managed not to notice the strange

phenomenon of fellow citizens

shuffling off this mortal coil with

surprising and excess regularity.

They have tolerated a grossly unfair

infringement on their liberties long

enough and will no longer assent to

being immobilized, shut down

isolated, vaccinated and masked. If

hordes of disaffected citizens around

the world can manage to mount rallies

defying government orders backed

by medical authorities, why then so

too can a myriad of countless faceless

people calling themselves proud to be 

Canajun, eh! And so they embarked 

on a mission to sally forth the intention 

to disrupt civil order and rouse slumbering

indignation in the minds of others so

that together they could force the moral

evacuation of the central government 

and reverse all mandates requiring 

inoculation against a coronavirus that  

has travelled far and wide, careening 

out of China to infect the world at large

and Canadians won't have it any more! 

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