Sunday, September 5, 2021

Shush ... Say Nothing ...

Doctored photo purports to show US President Biden sleeping in Oval Office  | Fact Check

Quick now: who is the most powerful man 

in the world? No one would disagree that 

whoever it is sitting in the Oval Office in the 

White House has more influence and power 

than any other individual wherever they may be

whoever they may be. Strange isn't it, that the 

world waits on the final word of a senescent 

dodderer whose life breathed politics and seemed 

always there yet scarcely noticed and now 

occupies the chair of the desk of the President 

of the United States of America. His predecessor 

was mocked and reviled accused of every vile 

action conceivable and either inspired devotion 

or ridicule and hatred. In office for a full term

denied another, he wrought little damage to the 

office or to the world at large. His successor in 

thrall to a vision of progressive enlightenment 

assumes strict obedience to the rabble that placed 

him there though his predecessor's accession had

been attributed to a deplorable rabble, while the 

current office holder's are elected representatives 

of government intent on doing their best to destroy 

their country and with it the entire world community 

collapsing in disarray, afflicted with the doomsday 

promise of an unconquerable Islamist emirate.

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