Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Rapacious Glory

Chinese soldier in Tiananmen Square

Humbled? Humiliated? Its transparent malice 

no longer couched in diplomacy but in threats 

and reactions punishing to its opponents in awe 

of the power and strength of a country whose 

population is manifold times greater than their own

whose immense military, technologically bristling

in support of a ruling ideology whose collective 

thirst for greater hegemonic width and breadth in

its avuncular excursion into penurious far off 

nations circling the world, investing, lending out 

treasury, building infrastructure in creation of its

present-day Silk Road, binding the naive with the 

strictures of indebtedness it ranks triumphant lashing 

with brittle maledictions those opponents who see 

beyond the icily rictus smile to the pirating of

contested territory, the grim rejoinders and

intimidation to silence critics. Psychopathic

in its devotion to self, oblivious to the litter

of moral corpses left in its wake, China rules!



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