Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Producing Miracles

Is it stinking sanctimony that patricians 

exude when from the humble heights of 

their grand style they seek the ultimate 

in political station to wield power on behalf of

the downtrodden, or is it a genuine concern 

for those upon whom their wealth has been 

built? Revolutionaries of exalted social status 

abound in the history of liberation. 

Pounding the speakers' pulpit exhorting the

emergence of a new society of equals where

the wealthy willingly surrender a portion 

of their riches on behalf of the public weal 

has a long tradition as a step-ladder in

ascending to political power on the votes 

of the credulous agreeing that life's treasures 

be split to enhance their miserable lives

endorsing time and again the charlatans 

who promise a changed world even those 

whose former reign produced not one of those

promises in law and action, yet the same

false words continue to evoke hope in

the minds of the desperate dreaming that

this time elevating the charming minstrel

of false illusions may produce miracles.

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