Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The Political Food Chain

print | British Museum

That assurance so beloved by the feeble

minded that 'we are all born equal' is but a

risible canard, for nothing could be further

from reality. There are ethnic groups and cultures

known to distinguish themselves by their average

cerebral power and among them are Chinese

the equal and more to any in the arts and sciences

so the bad faith exhibited by their current leaders

represents an assault against the intellectual

integrity of its peoples' acumen, talents and

pride in self. Beijing practices an odd version

of natural selection whereby big fish are wont

to swallow little fish, the big prosper the little

are their living fodder. The big fish that is China

labours under a delusion of global command and

control, ingratiating itself through largess while

purloining others' intellectual property rights

along with their natural resources to fully and

completely capture the market on domination.

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