Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The Impecunious Impudence!


 The small furry creature visiting our porch

is not very sizeable for a raccoon so we take him 

to be a juvenile, delinquent only in the sense that 

he foregoes caution in appearing during daylight 

hours when his species is mostly nocturnal. Like 

the rabbits and the skunks that occasionally make 

their entry in the dark barely illuminated by street

lights as they sniff out food left to entice their

appetites quite unlike the squirrels, birds and

chipmunks who make their appearance at any

time of daylight hours. Chipmunks inordinately 

fond of biscuits, squirrels preferring buttered toast

and all grudgingly accepting breakfast cereal

scattered in abundance on the porch as second-

bests. Not our raccoon. He waits patiently and

pointedly ignores the biscuits in preference to

absent Cheerios. Tucking himself under the porch

bench he waits, then emerges once the preferred

Cheerios are mounded satisfactorily to his taste.

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