Saturday, June 26, 2021

Doubt and Desolation


Did you ever imagine hearing the overhead

sound of a plane slicing the atmosphere with 

its imperious whine that someone aboard 

could be looking down and wondering about 

you, an infinitesimally minuscule figure in a 

landscape open to a heavenly gaze. Would that 

person give you a life, validate your presence with

notice for if you are seen you exist, do you not?

You cannot be forlorn and forgotten if you are

seen to be there and there you are. Best not

to know that whoever it is up there flying by

briefly entertaining thoughts, they are entirely

self-directed devoted to their own position of being

wondering if that tiny presence down there might

be aware that in the plane looking down is someone 

notable as a personage. If neither you nor the other 

verify the presence at that distance of another being 

be assured with confidence you are but a self-vision.





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