Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Tell It To The Mountains

Iron Dome at work: photo shows Israel's defense against Hamas rockets

Public trust is a vital imperative incumbent upon

news sources. Well known is that social media sites 

spread as news unsavoury content lacking context

heavy on theories and personal emotions with

scant verisimilitude to fact and similar to fancy.

The tide of personal opinion as news grinding through

the social sphere with emphasis on urban myth and

the confident facility of some to express bias as fact

caused great consternation in the legitimate news

service in fear of the loss of audience and revenue

risking unemployment and closure occasioning the 

warning that for real coverage and reality consumers 

of news must turn to legitimate sources. What say now 

to those legitimate sources tainted with the imperative 

of ideological perspective reflecting the lens of the 

far left which detests success and lionizes the underdog. 

Leaving social media stalwarts with a leg in the game

to denigrate one the other, falsifying reality and baldly

distorting truth to gain adherents while the abused in

the exchange doggedly resorts to history, heritage

resilience and justice to support their claims to the

authenticity denied it by detractors. Detractors which

now include mainstream media sources careful not to

alienate pervasive wokeness that supports an implied

genocide in contrast to the side that well knows the

impact of genocidal horrors intent on denying defamers

the opportunity to normalize its recurrence in Israel.

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