Saturday, March 6, 2021

You're Blocked!


Suffer fools gladly? Who would!

Well, you would and you did

fearing lest you offend out of an

excess of civil and social politesse

believing it incumbent on you

as a member of civil society

anxious to present as one aware of

social niceties. And, to be absolutely

upfront, fearful of losing 'friends'

by revealing directly just how you feel

on topics controversial but which a

rational mind (such as yours)

might readily interpret yet remain

silent when yours is the only 

dissenting voice. How relieving it is

now that the sense of guilt has worn

to confront the ether with a contrived

name and an assaultive 'voice' that

social media platforms permit to 

challenge your views through sheer

excess of vitriol, so easily now

disposed of through the 'blocked!'

tool of liberation, hosannah!


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