Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Being Jewish in a Kosher Supermarket

People walk out of a King Soopers grocery store in Boulder, Colorado, after a shooting there on Monday, March 22.

Quick now! Can you guess what could set shoppers 

in a supermarket apart from the commonplace? 

How about if they're Jews shopping at a kosher market? 

Extraordinary it is not. After all Jews have been around 

a long time and so have kosher supermarkets. They're

like anyone else in any society and so are the places 

they shop at. What distinguishes them is that identifying 

word 'kosher' linked with Judaism. Easy hunting grounds 

for anyone with a distorted agenda of serving their faith 

since Jews have no interest in any faith beyond their own. 

Which is no protection whatever when an armed Islamist

bursts into a supermarket with a specific purpose: to kill 

as many innocent people as possible. Of course the killer

doesn't set out to kill innocent people; it's Jews he's after.

If supermarkets aren't a target then Jewish schools

and community centres, synagogues and museums

will do. Take your pick goes the invitation to martyr

themselves for the greater glory of Islam. Some do 

and some among the deranged prefer to proffer the 

involuntary martyrdom of their victims as a satisfactory 

alternative. We know they're deranged because their 

defense and/or families plead the case of sad mental 

imbalance steering the terrorists among us to the 

choice solution of eliminating Jewish existence.

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