Thursday, March 25, 2021

Rites of Spring

Their return flight's echelon signals spring's arrival

communal calls those of comradeship and triumph 

in reverse migration as one formation of geese follows 

another heralding the season. Returned robins' distinct

murmuring rustling as they settle for the night, the

lilting melody of song sparrows and looping flight of 

warblers, the wing-beating hovering of hummingbirds 

record yet again the timeless rituals of spring's arrival. 

Early morning a musical tumult of birdsong, cardinals

perch high on tree crowns' bare tops to trill a paeon to 

the season. At night deep resonating calls of owls echo

from the forest. Moderating weather bring crows mobbing 

in avian exultation. The forest stretches its winter-weary 

limbs as frost seeps from the hardened forest floor and 

sap begins to rise even before the hillsides release their 

pack of snow and ice and torrential snowmelt tumbles 

into the swelling forest creek. Nocturnal forest creatures 

from coyote predators to foxes, raccoons and squirrels

endured another winter preparing to welcome spring.


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