Friday, March 5, 2021

A Marvle of Viper's Spite

prince harry cartoon

And why would she be amused?

Discreet personal behaviour

as befitting a Royal benefits both

the holder of the title and the public

served. She has herself been a paragon

of dedication to the office she holds as

head of state in a monarchic democracy

beloved by her people on that

Sceptered Isle with its pride in tradition

and huge affection for her guidance

as a symbol of vanished empire. 

Fate, alas beyond her control has 

frequently dropped by to shatter the

calm exterior exposing a family like

any other and like any other never

impervious to the emergence among

them of a viperous spirit of ill intent

spurning the values of family to indulge 

in the contempt of lese majeste 

abdicating the onerous duties that

accompany royalty in a fit of spite

so unbecoming the victim portrayed.


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