Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Evolutionary Biology


Because nature created us as complex creatures 

endowed with challenging brains and a deep sense 

of curiosity whose minds are deeply involved in

the primary search for answers to existence we

make use of those extraordinary properties to

delve deeply into the mysteries of life and the

cosmos to more fully understand the mechanics of

the vastness of the universe. Scientists whose

cerebral genius has been capable of imagining

the clockwork function of something where there

was nothing in an ever-expanding, endless space

hosting uncountable numbers of celestial bodies

and the mysteries of how lifeforms emerged amongst 

the chaos of fire and brimstone, chemicals, gases

fundamentals of space, time and energy we consider

ourselves 'man the wise' with power over lesser lifeforms.

But nature also devised other creatures in which she

instilled blind survival, the primary motivation of life.

Among them creations with no to possess brains

whose duty to self is merely and solely survival through

rapid replication, numbers of which have the potential 

to overwhelm the genius of thought and exploration.

Microscopic creatures whose blind destiny is fulfilled

through destroying their involuntary human hosts.

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