Sunday, March 14, 2021

By Reason of Insanity

Quick! What's the common thread that binds 

politicians, celebrities, terrorists and common criminals 

together in a double-bind mea culpa of nicht shuldig? 

That irrational rationale lawyers confront juries with 

even as critics of erring politics and faux pas of 

irredeemable damage excuse the inexcusable? If you 

guessed mental health issues you've become a student

of vulgar human nature. Congratulations. Unless that is 

you come by your answer through that most personal 

of byways having yourself had the occasion to plead 

temporary mental health breakdown in defence of a 

lesser or major crime or misstep. From members of 

royalty to prime ministers, racist terrorists to serial 

murderers the banner of not criminally responsible 

due to mental health breakdowns whereby the rapist

the embezzler, the priest and the filicide alike call for

compassion for a mental state not entirely their own. 

And the world community, chastised for empathy's lack 

in mental illness permeating society nods in sympathy

returning an obediently populist not-guilty verdict. 

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