Sunday, March 21, 2021


Are they skills and coercive techniques or

perhaps inherited traits, those of poise and drama

a certain glamour and projection of exquisite

timing and mystique; perhaps both. And of

course accompanying the elegance and those

finally chiseled delicate features an innate

sense of entitlement to be viewed as exceptional

a personage for the ages set high on a pedestal

so that those lacking the strengths of such

attributes may venerate those whose genetic

endowment casually invests them with all those

sought-after graces. Companion to which is the

need to be seen and admired such that the sadly

untalented seek to portray themselves in the image

of the divine original. The ego that demands its

public due dines off plaudits lavished upon it yet

never is it satiated. When the volume of acclaim

decelerates the idol accuses the arbiters of social

media of assailing the dignity of their privacy

bewailing unwanted intrusion into the intimate

details of a life whose style is to flaunt the flair 

of iconic public revelations without inhibition or

hesitation. Poor souls whose status of personality

and gifts at birth the good fairy of Fortune has

lavished upon them, condemning them to a dreary

existence of showmanship, adulation and misery.



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