Friday, March 19, 2021

Defender of the Faith


That's the point at which, for skeptics who may be 

aware, when it becomes a philosophical question 

whether the situation evolved long after the fact to his 

benefit,was it cunningly contrived or happenstance?

During the prosecution and trial of the terror cabal

it was known he received a handsome remuneration

for infiltrating the group and conveying their plot

back to the authorities in an apprehended terrorist

action to target government agencies along with the

head of government. Yet it was his undercover work

that provided the fuel of evidence for investigators.

Now years later he is a respected academic his specialty

an inside track on Islamist fundamentalists for whom

murder, mayhem and instability is a badge of honour

as he reaps double benefit then and now; the payout

followed by the equally earned professionalism aided

by the sanctimony of self-sacrifice to an unpopular

choice all in the interests of justice, peace and security

and above all, restoring popular trust in Islamic faith.

Is the depth of conviction to be measured in terms of

defence of the divine or merely pedestrian opportunism? 

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