Saturday, March 21, 2020

Artist's impression of a supernova explosion


Who ever might have imagined
that the ancient oblate spheroid that
resulted when a vacuum containing
nothing created a cosmic explosion
casting gases and dust in a great arc to 
cool and become our home, a rock of
refuge for nature's creations where we
would thrive and mature, populating
continents, sailing its seas, discovering
and conquering, would find us now in
such peril? Who might have imagined
there to be so many islands on Planet
Earth, each of them now claimed by
every human now alive and hoping to
remain that way clings to, isolating
ourselves from one another to elude
the stalking of the silent, deadly virus
that has invaded threatening our existence
with each tide of increase it succeeds in
achieving inhabiting another host who
in turn transmits its pathogenic guest
onward in its predatory quest to multiply
and destroy, a conquest it gains unless
prospective hosts sequester themselves 
to starve its intent and stave off death.


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