Saturday, March 14, 2020

Nature's Response

Everything has turned upside-down
and inside-out, twisted and starkly
resembling a nightmare your sleeping
mind had never before ventured to
visit, but here you are, awake and fully 
aware, but the magnitude of the chasm 
of fear yawning before you while bearing
a nightmare of  unanticipated dimensions 
is real and the world is reeling in disbelief
that nature has reacted to the dietary
customs of a vast population whose arcane 
beliefs defying science are denying the 
proprietary interests of nature itself
unwilling to rest complacent while her 
creatures are destroyed, deciding in her 
imperious royal manner to destroy those 
whose conceits have gone too far in 
threatening her dearly held creations for 
as she has brought to life all that exists 
she has the power to reverse the process 
saving some and punishing those whose 
unbridled hubris she chooses to reprimand.

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