Wednesday, March 25, 2020


In a new riff on Darwin's survival of
the fittest, civil society has turned inward
on itself. We have become misfits in the
sense of social aversion overtaking our
gregarious natures for to submit to life
as usual renders usual life very short for
all too many. Where once parents concerned
themselves with children whose nature was
to be withdrawn and distant from others
this has now become a virtue, one that all
others are enjoined to heed lest a dread
and malevolent life form that has no life
of its own but lurks unseen, an opportunist
awaiting a host enabling it to replicate and
to infect greater numbers of the unsuspecting
invades. Now, the elderly already living a 
hermetic life sealed away from greater society 
must refrain from contact and study the great
Viktor Frankl's memoir for the meaning 
of life as they embark in early morning
hours like unscrupled thieves to access
food to sustain their tentative lives in the
brief hours that grocers set aside to aid their
quest to grow yet older in social hermitage.

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