Tuesday, March 24, 2020

It's Not Necessarily So

But rather of necessity. We are equipped
with certain emotions for a reason not
merely because they make us human
but because they protect our humanness.
So that famous old adage so smugly
trotted out at times of viral public concern
that There Is Nothing To Fear But Fear
Itself is just that; smug and trite when
indeed there are times when the very fact
is fear prepares us for the need to guard
ourselves from what may conceivably be
certain doom. Nature gifted us with a
sense of caution that fear electrifies
warning us of impending danger. As we
evolved so did the world we live in; as
threats from predators in the wild alarmed
and taught us vigilance and discretion in
our movements to the present when civil
life in our modern era is brought to a
screeching halt with the sudden presence
of a silent deadly biological threat unseen
but lurking as a sinister infection whose
purpose is invasion and replication, in the 
process far outdistancing any threat from 
marauding wildlife yet in fact an infectious 
agent of wildlife that humans hunt to consume.
The dread that now consumes us is fear.

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