The Arrival!
The interval between winter and spring
is one where the former is adamant his
position will remain unmoved, unprepared
to awaken the sleeping fields and forests
the latter assembling all the patience at her
command reminding the recalcitrant Old Man
that ancient arbitration had decreed to all
seasons there is a reason and the slumbering
Earth must be awakened from its cold and
deep sleep to diligently host new life for
much depends on the fecundity of fields
and furrows upon which nature's creatures
depend. The world over, ancient cultures have
welcomed the arrival of the Vernal Equinox
crediting nature for the clockwork reliance
of her seasons, none as assiduously expected
as spring, for with it comes the promise of
life renewed and the expectation of green
vegetation reborn from the depths of winter
isolation, prepared to feed a hungry world.
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