Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Windows to the Universe

In the sphere of culture and heritage
of primitive provenance there is
vast irreconcilability between the
past and the present, one venerated
the other basking in blasphemy. As
when ancient civilizations viewing
the heavens recognized the abode of
the gods, sacred and obscure, hidden
from human eyes and knowledge
a veritable closed book to be worshipped
as humanity lives its humble existence
below. The great unknowable heights
of the Earth's geology shared with
the heavens all the godly sanctities
demanding obeisance and worship
as remote from human habitation one
from the other until humanity obsessed
over the existence of all that is and was
and will ever be, sending rude emissaries
to the sacred heights on missions of
conquest of noble pinnacles of granite
and having achieved those goals 
using grand summits to house views
of the cosmos to unlock nature's secrets
in the process alerting the gods whom
peering humankind must not enrage.

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