Monday, February 3, 2020

Your Truth

What could be as headily liberating
as the freedom to speak, to release
from the prison of your mind how
you feel, what you think, your
unsolicited but urgently needed
expressions of belief, your solutions
to problems that you know exist yet
are rarely discussed, the details of what
you know so that others may too and
from your generosity of sharing may
join you in your private campaigns
or laud your courage in airing such
sentiments, perhaps even assemble a
cadre of like-minded stalwarts in a
campaign to air the musty corridors
of certainty and introduce nuances of
disbelief challenging and exciting. So
no need to clasp silently those thoughts
and misgivings lest you betray your
enmity to the smug civility of the social
contract for the greater virtue of free
speech calls. You are not truly racist
when you parry-and-thrust verbally
over critiquing the criminality of
Zionism, the penchant of Blacks to
disrupt the serenity of the white race
the slovenly habits of Asians and others
whose culture and errant habituation
sounds the clarion of disruption to the
norms. And when you scathingly consider 
feminism a symbol of man-hating
bitches focused on empowering women
while emasculating men. And nor do
women have a monopoly on gender
for any man bent on upsetting their
referential superiority has but to declare 
himself an absolute her for society to 
humbly genuflect for this, you see, is the
grand power of free speech utterances.

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